Due to limited facilities, attendance is limited 150 participants. On-site registration is not possible and only online registration will be accepted. Please fill in and submit the registration form. Attendees who will give talks or present posters must also fill in the title and abstract submission form. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent upon receipt of registration payment and all forms related to abstract submission. 

The deadline for the discounted Early Registration is May 6, 2022 with later registrations accepted until June19, 2022 as space permits.

In the case of over-subscription of the meeting, participants with accompanying guests may be housed in the village, about 1-2 km from the Academy. For this reason it is important for participants with accompanying guests to register as early as possible because August is the high tourist season in Crete and securing reservations in the village may be problematic if registration is left to the last minute.

Contact for invoice: emmanuelle.d-alencon@inrae.fr

Register are closed since 12/06/22